Class XmlLoader

All Implemented Interfaces:
ContentHandler, DTDHandler, EntityResolver, ErrorHandler
Direct Known Subclasses:
ConfigurationLoader.InternalLoader, ImportControlLoader, PackageNamesLoader, SuppressionsLoader

public class XmlLoader extends DefaultHandler
Contains the common implementation of a loader, for loading a configuration from an XML file.

The error handling policy can be described as being austere, dead set, disciplinary, dour, draconian, exacting, firm, forbidding, grim, hard, hard- boiled, harsh, harsh, in line, iron-fisted, no-nonsense, oppressive, persnickety, picky, prudish, punctilious, puritanical, rigid, rigorous, scrupulous, set, severe, square, stern, stickler, straight, strait-laced, stringent, stuffy, stuffy, tough, unpermissive, unsparing and uptight.