void |
AbstractAutomaticBean.configure(Configuration config) |
Implements the Configurable interface using bean introspection.
void |
AbstractAutomaticBean.contextualize(Context context) |
Implements the Contextualizable interface using bean introspection.
private Object |
PackageObjectFactory.createFromStandardCheckSet(String name) |
Create object from one of Checkstyle module names.
Object |
ModuleFactory.createModule(String name) |
Creates a new instance of a class from a given name.
Object |
PackageObjectFactory.createModule(String name) |
Creates a new instance of a class from a given name, or that name
concatenated with "Check".
private Object |
PackageObjectFactory.createModuleByTryInEachPackage(String name) |
Searching to class with given name (or name concatenated with "Check") in existing
private Object |
PackageObjectFactory.createObject(String className) |
Creates a new instance of a named class.
private Object |
PackageObjectFactory.createObjectFromClassPath(String name) |
Create object with the help of the classpath.
private Object |
PackageObjectFactory.createObjectFromFullModuleNames(String name,
Set<String> fullModuleNames) |
Create Object from optional full module names.
private static int |
Main.execute(picocli.CommandLine.ParseResult parseResult,
Main.CliOptions options) |
Validates the user input and returns -1 if
invalid, otherwise executes CheckStyle and returns the number of violations.
protected abstract void |
AbstractAutomaticBean.finishLocalSetup() |
Provides a hook to finish the part of this component's setup that
was not handled by the bean introspection.
protected void |
Checker.finishLocalSetup() |
private static void |
JavadocPropertiesGenerator.formatInlineCodeTag(StringBuilder builder,
DetailNode inlineTag) |
Converts inline code tag into HTML form.
String |
DefaultConfiguration.getAttribute(String attributeName) |
private static String |
JavadocPropertiesGenerator.getFirstJavadocSentence(DetailAST ast) |
Extracts the first sentence as HTML formatted text from the comment of an DetailAST.
private static String |
JavadocPropertiesGenerator.getFirstJavadocSentence(DetailNode tree) |
Extracts the first sentence as HTML formatted text from a DetailNode.
static Set<String> |
PackageNamesLoader.getPackageNames(ClassLoader classLoader) |
Returns the set of package names, compiled from all
checkstyle_packages.xml files found on the given class loaders
String |
DefaultConfiguration.getProperty(String propertyName) |
private static RootModule |
Main.getRootModule(String name,
ClassLoader moduleClassLoader) |
Creates a new instance of the root module that will control and run
private static void |
JavadocPropertiesGenerator.iteratePublicStaticIntFields(DetailAST objBlock,
Consumer<String> consumer) |
Walks over the type members and push the first javadoc sentence of every
public static int field to the consumer.
static Configuration |
ConfigurationLoader.loadConfiguration(String config,
PropertyResolver overridePropsResolver) |
Returns the module configurations in a specified file.
static Configuration |
ConfigurationLoader.loadConfiguration(String config,
PropertyResolver overridePropsResolver,
ConfigurationLoader.IgnoredModulesOptions ignoredModulesOptions) |
Returns the module configurations in a specified file.
static Configuration |
ConfigurationLoader.loadConfiguration(String config,
PropertyResolver overridePropsResolver,
ConfigurationLoader.IgnoredModulesOptions ignoredModulesOptions,
ThreadModeSettings threadModeSettings) |
Returns the module configurations in a specified file.
static Configuration |
ConfigurationLoader.loadConfiguration(String config,
PropertyResolver overridePropsResolver,
ThreadModeSettings threadModeSettings) |
Returns the module configurations in a specified file.
static Configuration |
ConfigurationLoader.loadConfiguration(InputSource configSource,
PropertyResolver overridePropsResolver,
ConfigurationLoader.IgnoredModulesOptions ignoredModulesOptions) |
Returns the module configurations from a specified input source.
static Configuration |
ConfigurationLoader.loadConfiguration(InputSource configSource,
PropertyResolver overridePropsResolver,
ConfigurationLoader.IgnoredModulesOptions ignoredModulesOptions,
ThreadModeSettings threadModeSettings) |
Returns the module configurations from a specified input source.
private static byte[] |
PropertyCacheFile.loadExternalResource(String location) |
Loads the content of external resource.
private static Properties |
Main.loadProperties(File file) |
Loads properties from a File.
static void |
JavadocPropertiesGenerator.main(String... args) |
TokenTypes.properties generator entry point.
static DetailAST |
JavaParser.parse(FileContents contents) |
Static helper method to parses a Java source file.
static DetailAST |
JavaParser.parseFile(File file,
JavaParser.Options options) |
Parses Java source file.
static DetailAST |
JavaParser.parseFileText(FileText text,
JavaParser.Options options) |
Parse a text and return the parse tree.
private static void |
ConfigurationLoader.parsePropertyString(String value,
Collection<String> fragments,
Collection<String> propertyRefs) |
Parses a string containing ${xxx} style property
references into two collections.
static String |
AstTreeStringPrinter.printAst(FileText text,
JavaParser.Options options) |
Parse a file and print the parse tree.
static String |
AstTreeStringPrinter.printFileAst(File file,
JavaParser.Options options) |
Parse a file and print the parse tree.
static String |
AstTreeStringPrinter.printJavaAndJavadocTree(File file) |
Prints full AST (java + comments + javadoc) of the java file.
static String |
SuppressionsStringPrinter.printSuppressions(File file,
String suppressionLineColumnNumber,
int tabWidth) |
Prints generated suppressions.
int |
Checker.process(List<File> files) |
private SortedSet<Violation> |
Checker.processFile(File file) |
Processes a file with all FileSetChecks.
private static void |
PackageNamesLoader.processFile(URL packageFile,
PackageNamesLoader namesLoader) |
Reads the file provided and parses it with package names loader.
private void |
Checker.processFiles(List<File> files) |
Processes a list of files with all FileSetChecks.
protected void |
TreeWalker.processFiltered(File file,
FileText fileText) |
Called to process a file that matches the specified file extensions.
private void |
TreeWalker.registerCheck(int tokenId,
AbstractCheck check) |
Register a check for a specified token id.
private void |
TreeWalker.registerCheck(AbstractCheck check) |
Register a check for a given configuration.
private static String |
ConfigurationLoader.replaceProperties(String value,
PropertyResolver props,
String defaultValue) |
Replaces ${xxx} style constructions in the given value
with the string value of the corresponding data types.
private static int |
Main.runCheckstyle(Main.CliOptions options,
List<File> filesToProcess) |
Executes required Checkstyle actions based on passed parameters.
private static int |
Main.runCli(Main.CliOptions options,
List<File> filesToProcess) |
Do execution of CheckStyle based on Command line options.
protected void |
AbstractAutomaticBean.setupChild(Configuration childConf) |
Called by configure() for every child of this component's Configuration.
protected void |
Checker.setupChild(Configuration childConf) |
Called by configure() for every child of this component's Configuration.
void |
TreeWalker.setupChild(Configuration childConf) |
Called by configure() for every child of this component's Configuration.
private void |
AbstractAutomaticBean.tryCopyProperty(String key,
Object value,
boolean recheck) |
Recheck property and try to copy it.
private static void |
JavadocPropertiesGenerator.writePropertiesFile(JavadocPropertiesGenerator.CliOptions options) |
Creates the .properties file from a .java file.