Class TranslationCheck

All Implemented Interfaces:
Configurable, Contextualizable, FileSetCheck

Ensures the correct translation of code by checking property files for consistency regarding their keys. Two property files describing one and the same context are consistent if they contain the same keys. TranslationCheck also can check an existence of required translations which must exist in project, if requiredTranslations option is used.

Consider the following properties file in the same directory:

The Translation check will find the typo in the German hello key, the missing ok key in the default resource file and the missing cancel key in the German resource file: Key 'hello' missing. Key 'cancel' missing. Key 'hell' missing. Key 'ok' missing.

Language code for the property requiredTranslations is composed of the lowercase, two-letter codes as defined by ISO 639-1. Default value is empty String Set which means that only the existence of default translation is checked. Note, if you specify language codes (or just one language code) of required translations the check will also check for existence of default translation files in project.

Note: If your project uses preprocessed translation files and the original files do not have the properties extension, you can specify additional file extensions via the fileExtensions property.

Attention: the check will perform the validation of ISO codes if the option is used. So, if you specify, for example, "mm" for language code, TranslationCheck will rise violation that the language code is incorrect.

Attention: this Check could produce false-positives if it is used with Checker that use cache (property "cacheFile") This is known design problem, will be addressed at issue.

  • Property baseName - Specify Base name of resource bundles which contain message resources. It helps the check to distinguish config and localization resources. Type is java.util.regex.Pattern. Default value is "^messages.*$".
  • Property fileExtensions - Specify the file extensions of the files to process. Type is java.lang.String[]. Default value is .properties.
  • Property requiredTranslations - Specify language codes of required translations which must exist in project. Type is java.lang.String[]. Default value is "".

Parent is

Violation Message Keys:

  • translation.missingKey
  • translation.missingTranslationFile
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TranslationCheck

      Creates a new TranslationCheck instance.
  • Method Details

    • setBaseName

      public void setBaseName(Pattern baseName)
      Setter to specify Base name of resource bundles which contain message resources. It helps the check to distinguish config and localization resources.
      baseName - base name regexp.
    • setRequiredTranslations

      public void setRequiredTranslations(String... translationCodes)
      Setter to specify language codes of required translations which must exist in project.
      translationCodes - language codes.
    • validateUserSpecifiedLanguageCodes

      private void validateUserSpecifiedLanguageCodes(Set<String> languageCodes)
      Validates the correctness of user specified language codes for the check.
      languageCodes - user specified language codes for the check.
      IllegalArgumentException - when any item of languageCodes is not valid language code
    • isValidLanguageCode

      private static boolean isValidLanguageCode(String userSpecifiedLanguageCode)
      Checks whether user specified language code is correct (is contained in available locales).
      userSpecifiedLanguageCode - user specified language code.
      true if user specified language code is correct.
    • beginProcessing

      public void beginProcessing(String charset)
      Description copied from interface: FileSetCheck
      Called when about to be called to process a set of files.
      Specified by:
      beginProcessing in interface FileSetCheck
      beginProcessing in class AbstractFileSetCheck
      charset - the character set used to read the files.
    • processFiltered

      protected void processFiltered(File file, FileText fileText)
      Description copied from class: AbstractFileSetCheck
      Called to process a file that matches the specified file extensions.
      Specified by:
      processFiltered in class AbstractFileSetCheck
      file - the file to be processed
      fileText - the contents of the file.
    • finishProcessing

      public void finishProcessing()
      Description copied from interface: FileSetCheck
      Called when all the files have been processed. This is the time to perform any checks that need to be done across a set of files. In this method, the implementation is responsible for the logging of violations.
      Specified by:
      finishProcessing in interface FileSetCheck
      finishProcessing in class AbstractFileSetCheck
    • checkExistenceOfDefaultTranslation

      Checks an existence of default translation file in the resource bundle.
      bundle - resource bundle.
    • checkExistenceOfRequiredTranslations

      Checks an existence of translation files in the resource bundle. The name of translation file begins with the base name of resource bundle which is followed by '_' and a language code (country and variant are optional), it ends with the extension suffix.
      bundle - resource bundle.
    • getMissingFileName

      private static Optional<String> getMissingFileName(TranslationCheck.ResourceBundle bundle, String languageCode)
      Returns the name of translation file which is absent in resource bundle or Guava's Optional, if there is not missing translation.
      bundle - resource bundle.
      languageCode - language code.
      the name of translation file which is absent in resource bundle or Guava's Optional, if there is not missing translation.
    • logMissingTranslation

      private void logMissingTranslation(String filePath, String fileName)
      Logs that translation file is missing.
      filePath - file path.
      fileName - file name.
    • groupFilesIntoBundles

      private static Set<TranslationCheck.ResourceBundle> groupFilesIntoBundles(Set<File> files, Pattern baseNameRegexp)
      Groups a set of files into bundles. Only files, which names match base name regexp pattern will be grouped.
      files - set of files.
      baseNameRegexp - base name regexp pattern.
      set of ResourceBundles.
    • findBundle

      Searches for specific resource bundle in a set of resource bundles.
      bundles - set of resource bundles.
      targetBundle - target bundle to search for.
      Guava's Optional of resource bundle (present if target bundle is found).
    • extractBaseName

      private static String extractBaseName(String fileName)
      Extracts the base name (the unique prefix) of resource bundle from translation file name. For example "messages" is the base name of "", "", "", etc.
      fileName - the fully qualified name of the translation file.
      the extracted base name.
    • getPath

      private static String getPath(String fileNameWithPath)
      Extracts path from a file name which contains the path. For example, if the file name is /xyz/, then the method will return /xyz/.
      fileNameWithPath - file name which contains the path.
      file path.
    • checkTranslationKeys

      Checks resource files in bundle for consistency regarding their keys. All files in bundle must have the same key set. If this is not the case an audit event message is posted giving information which key misses in which file.
      bundle - resource bundle.
    • checkFilesForConsistencyRegardingTheirKeys

      private void checkFilesForConsistencyRegardingTheirKeys(Map<File,Set<String>> fileKeys, Set<String> keysThatMustExist)
      Compares th the specified key set with the key sets of the given translation files (arranged in a map). All missing keys are reported.
      fileKeys - a Map from translation files to their key sets.
      keysThatMustExist - the set of keys to compare with.
    • getTranslationKeys

      private Set<String> getTranslationKeys(File file)
      Loads the keys from the specified translation file into a set.
      file - translation file.
      a Set object which holds the loaded keys.
    • logException

      private void logException(Exception exception, File file)
      Helper method to log an exception.
      exception - the exception that occurred
      file - the file that could not be processed