AbstractSuperCheck |
Abstract class for checking that an overriding method with no parameters
invokes the super method.
AbstractSuperCheck.MethodNode |
Stack node for a method definition and a record of
whether the method has a call to the super method.
DeclarationOrderCheck.ScopeState |
Private class to encapsulate the state.
EqualsAvoidNullCheck.FieldFrame |
Holds the names of fields of a type.
FinalLocalVariableCheck.FinalVariableCandidate |
Represents information about final local variable candidate.
FinalLocalVariableCheck.ScopeData |
Holder for the scope data.
HiddenFieldCheck.FieldFrame |
Holds the names of static and instance fields of a type.
RequireThisCheck.AbstractFrame |
A declaration frame.
RequireThisCheck.ClassFrame |
A frame initiated at class, enum or interface definition; holds instance variable names.
RequireThisCheck.FrameType |
An AbstractFrame type.
ReturnCountCheck.Context |
Class to encapsulate information about one method.
UnusedCatchParameterShouldBeUnnamedCheck.CatchParameterDetails |
Maintains information about the catch parameter.
UnusedLambdaParameterShouldBeUnnamedCheck.LambdaParameterDetails |
Maintains information about the lambda parameter.
UnusedLocalVariableCheck.TypeDeclDesc |
Maintains information about the type declaration.
UnusedLocalVariableCheck.VariableDesc |
Maintains information about the variable.