Class XmlMetaReader


public final class XmlMetaReader extends Object
Class having utilities required to read module details from an XML metadata file of a module. This class is used by plugins that need load of metadata from XML files.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • XmlMetaReader

      private XmlMetaReader()
      Do no allow XmlMetaReader instances to be created.
  • Method Details

    • readAllModulesIncludingThirdPartyIfAny

      public static List<ModuleDetails> readAllModulesIncludingThirdPartyIfAny(String... thirdPartyPackages)
      Utility to load all the metadata files present in the checkstyle JAR including third parties' module metadata files. checkstyle metadata files are grouped in a folder hierarchy similar to that of their corresponding source files. Third party(e.g. SevNTU Checks) metadata files are prefixed with checkstylemeta- to their file names.
      thirdPartyPackages - fully qualified third party package names(can be only a hint, e.g. for SevNTU it can be com.github.sevntu / com.github)
      list of module details found in the classpath satisfying the above conditions
      IllegalStateException - if there was a problem reading the module metadata files
    • read

      public static ModuleDetails read(InputStream moduleMetadataStream, ModuleType moduleType) throws ParserConfigurationException, IOException, SAXException
      Read the module details from the supplied input stream of the module's XML metadata file.
      moduleMetadataStream - input stream object of a module's metadata file
      moduleType - type of module
      module detail object extracted from the XML metadata file
      ParserConfigurationException - if a parser configuration exception occurs
      IOException - if a IO exception occurs
      SAXException - if a SAX exception occurs during parsing the XML file
    • populateModule

      private static void populateModule(Element mod, ModuleDetails moduleDetails)
      Populate the module detail object from XML metadata.
      mod - root XML document element
      moduleDetails - module detail object, which is to be updated
    • createProperties

      private static List<ModulePropertyDetails> createProperties(Element properties)
      Create module property details from the XML metadata.
      properties - parent document element which contains property's metadata
      list of property details object created
    • getListContentByAttribute

      private static List<String> getListContentByAttribute(Element element, String listParent, String listOption, String attribute)
      Utility to get the list contents by the attribute specified.
      element - doc element
      listParent - parent element of list
      listOption - child list element
      attribute - attribute key
      list of strings containing the XML list data
    • getDirectChildsByTag

      private static List<Element> getDirectChildsByTag(Element element, String sTagName)
      Utility to get the children of an element by tag name.
      element - parent element
      sTagName - tag name of children required
      list of elements retrieved
    • getAttributeValue

      private static String getAttributeValue(Element element, String attribute)
      Utility to get attribute value of an element.
      element - target element
      attribute - attribute key
      attribute value