Since Checkstyle 8.45
Checks that there is no whitespace before the colon in a switch block.
To configure the check:
<module name="Checker"> <module name="TreeWalker"> <module name="NoWhitespaceBeforeCaseDefaultColon"/> </module> </module>
class Example1 { void example() { switch(1) { case 1 : // violation '':' is preceded with whitespace' break; case 2: break; default : // violation '':' is preceded with whitespace' break; } switch(2) { case 2: break; case 3, 4 : break; // violation '':' is preceded with whitespace' case 5, 6: break; default : // violation '':' is preceded with whitespace' break; } switch(DayOfWeek.MONDAY) { case MONDAY, FRIDAY, SUNDAY: System.out.println(" 6"); break; // violation below '':' is preceded with whitespace' case TUESDAY : System.out.println(" 7"); break; } } }
All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you. Please see the documentation to learn how to.