Property Types

Checkstyle is configured using properties, which are string representations. This document describes how these string representations are mapped to typed properties.


This property represents an integer. The string representation is parsed using the java.lang.Integer class.


This property represents a string. The literal string representation is used.


This property represents a boolean. The default value is false. The following string representations will map to true:

Anything else will map to false.


This property represents a set of strings. The string representation is parsed as a set of comma (',') separated strings.


This property represents a set of integers. The string representation is parsed as a set of comma (',') separated integers that are parsed using the java.lang.Integer class.


This property represents a regular expression. The string representation is parsed using java.util.regex package.


This property represents the policy for padding with white space. The following table describes the valid options:

Option Definition
nospace Do not pad. For example, method(a, b);
space Ensure padding. For example, method( a, b );


This property represents the policy for wrapping lines on operators. The following table describes the valid options:

Option Definition
nl The operator must be on a new line. For example:
    someVariable = aBigVariableNameToMakeThings + "this may work"
                   + lookVeryInteresting;
eol The operator must be at the end of the line. For example:
    someVariable = aBigVariableNameToMakeThings + "this may work" +


This property represents the policy for checking block statements. The following table describes the valid options:

Option Definition
text Require that there is some text in the block. For example:
    catch (Exception ex) {
        // This is a bad coding practice
stmt Require that there is a statement in the block. For example:
    finally {


This property represents the policy for checking the placement of a left curly brace ('{'). The following table describes the valid options:

Option Definition
eol The brace must always be on the end of the line. For example:
    if (condition) {
nl The brace must always be on a new line. For example:
    if (condition)
nlow If the brace will fit on the first line of the statement, taking into account maximum line length, then apply eol rule. Otherwise apply the nl rule. nlow is a mnemonic for "new line on wrap". For the example above Checkstyle will enforce:
    if (condition) {
But for a statement spanning multiple lines, Checkstyle will enforce:
    if (condition1 && condition2 &&
        condition3 && condition4)


This property represents the policy for checking the placement of a right curly brace ('}'). The following table describes the valid options:

Option Definition
same The brace must be on the same line as the next statement. For example:
    try {
    } finally {
alone The brace must be alone on the line. For example:
    try {
    finally {


This property represents a Java scope. The scope is treated inclusevly (as javadoc does): 'package' means all 'package', 'protected' and 'public' methods/fields/classes. The valid options are:


This property represents the severity level of a check violation. The valid options are:


This property represents the policy for checking entity beans according to whether the beans have bean-managed persistence, container-managed persistence, or mixed persistence:

Option Definition
bean The beans have bean-managed persistence.
container The beans have container-managed persistence.
mixed The beans have mixed bean-managed and container-managed persistence.
Copyright © 2001-2007, Oliver Burn