Naming Conventions Checks


Each of these naming modules validates identifiers for particular code elements. Valid identifiers for a naming module are specified by its format property. The value of format is a pattern for valid identifiers.

AbbreviationAsWordInName Validates abbreviations (consecutive capital letters) length in identifier name, it also allows to enforce camel case naming.
AbstractClassName Ensures that the names of abstract classes conforming to some pattern and check that abstract modifier exists.
CatchParameterName Checks that catch parameter names conform to a specified pattern.
ClassTypeParameterName Checks that class type parameter names conform to a specified pattern.
ConstantName Checks that constant names conform to a specified pattern.
IllegalIdentifierName Checks identifiers with a pattern for a set of illegal names, such as those that are restricted or contextual keywords.
InterfaceTypeParameterName Checks that interface type parameter names conform to a specified pattern.
LambdaParameterName Checks lambda parameter names.
LocalFinalVariableName Checks that local final variable names conform to a specified pattern.
LocalVariableName Checks that local, non-final variable names conform to a specified pattern.
MemberName Checks that instance variable names conform to a specified pattern.
MethodName Checks that method names conform to a specified pattern.
MethodTypeParameterName Checks that method type parameter names conform to a specified pattern.
PackageName Checks that package names conform to a specified pattern.
ParameterName Checks that method parameter names conform to a specified pattern.
PatternVariableName Checks that pattern variable names conform to a specified pattern.
RecordComponentName Checks that record component names conform to a specified pattern.
RecordTypeParameterName Checks that record type parameter names conform to a specified pattern.
StaticVariableName Checks that static, non-final variable names conform to a specified pattern.
TypeName Checks that type names conform to a specified pattern.