
Since Checkstyle 5.3


Checks that the outer type name and the file name match. For example, the class Foo must be in a file named Foo.java.


To configure the check:

<module name="Checker">
  <module name="TreeWalker">
    <module name="OuterTypeFilename"/>

Example file content with name of file Example1.java

public class Example1 {}

Example file content with name of file Example2.java

// violation below 'The name of the outer type and the file do not match.'
class Example2ButNotSameName {}

Example file content with name of file Example3.java

// violation below 'The name of the outer type and the file do not match.'
interface Example3ButNotSameName {}

Example file content with name of file Example4.java

// violation below 'The name of the outer type and the file do not match.'
enum Example4ButNotSameName {}

Example file content with name of file Example5.java

// violation below 'The name of the outer type and the file do not match.'
class Example5ButNotSameName {}

Example of Usage

Violation Messages

All messages can be customized if the default message doesn't suit you. Please see the documentation to learn how to.



Parent Module
